Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas is coming

And I'm not even close to ready. At least I've got the toys for the kids and I have a few decorations up. No tree this year since I have nightmarish visions of my toddler yanking out all the branches. Instead, we have a mini-tree on the fireplace mantle. We've kind of managed to keep up with our advent calender, mostly because one of my kids has been obsessing about keeping up with it. :)

Today, we finish buying what we need for Christmas dinner and I get to work on the last bit of stuff for the presents. Hopefully, we'll be able to go see Christmas lights for our family activity this week. It's been a tradition every year but this one has turned out unseasonably cold and miserable. I'm not sure I want to go driving around with a little newborn in this kind of weather. We may just stay home, read a book, and drink some dairy-free, sugar-free hot cocoa... or better yet, some wassail.

My goal? To have Christmas Eve completely free of any activity beyond relaxing on the couch with my husband.

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